Craving Justice (Sons of Sydney Book 1) Read online

Page 8

  Seth’s oldest brother stepped forward, his face lined with concern. “Harper, no. You’ve got it all wrong.” Dillon glanced at Seth, then back to her. “Look, it’s complicated.”

  No wonder she hadn’t seen Dillon this morning for his usual espresso. Too embarrassed?

  The cop moved next to Seth. “While I’m prepared to kick my brother’s arse when needed”—he broke off and exchanged a hard stare with Seth who returned his own glare—“this isn’t what you think. I understand you’re pissed, Harper, but let Seth tell you his side before you make judgements.”

  Aussie accent. And a cop. This must be Heath. His tone was calm, but braced with a steely determination, showing his easy familiarity with authority.

  “Harper,” Seth moved closer, his jaw hardening at the way she stiffened as he drew near. “You can believe what you like, but I’m going to state the facts as we know them right now. This morning some arsehole impersonated me online.”

  Seriously, that was his defense? She made a scoffing sound in the back of her throat. This guy was unbelievable.

  Seth looked to the ceiling in obvious frustration at, what, her? He had to be kidding. Seth continued, “That bullshit included a post that could threaten the deal to sell Shazad to your dad’s company, but also another trying to screw with Heath’s career in the Seattle PD.”

  She flicked her gaze to the cop.

  “It’s true,” Heath said. “You weren’t the only one given a front row seat on Seth’s Facebook timeline. My Captain isn’t pleased with the PR fallout this fuck-up created.”

  She tried to process this new information. Someone wanted to ruin the sale of Seth’s company and targeted his brother, too?

  To destroy Seth? His family? What?

  Pinning her gaze on Seth, she said, “So what was I? A convenient target?” But, hang on, that didn’t make sense. “I only met you yesterday. How could anyone even know about me?” And there was the most damming evidence. “The chocolate cake, Seth. Nobody but us knew about that.”

  Seth shook his head. “The photo of Seven Dishes was taken just after I left, Harper. I was eating the extra cake you gave me when I hit the street. I’m guessing the bastard saw me.”

  Okay, that was plausible.

  Then a new thought entered her mind, and with it a heavy lump of dread weighed deep in her belly. “If you’re telling the truth, that means whoever did this followed us?”

  Seth took a moment to answer, as if weighing up his words. “Heath’s checking CCTV of the area, but for now, that’s our best guess.”

  She closed her eyes as her shoulders slumped. God, this was awful. Someone had watched them go in and waited outside all that time for him to leave.

  “Harper,” Seth gripped the back of her neck. “I won’t allow anyone to hurt you,” he said, his tone as unshakable as the fingers curled into her hair.

  Ten minutes ago, she’d been sure Seth had played her. Some sick put-on so he could act out his narcissistic joke the next day on social media.

  That didn’t gel with the guy standing in front of her.

  “Honey,” Jinx murmured at her left.

  She glanced at her friend, whose questioning gaze showed Harper wasn’t the only one coming to the realization her initial reaction was hasty.

  But not everything was clear to her yet. “Why would someone want to go after you? Or Heath?” Was there some evil secret in the Justice family vault?

  “I have no fucking idea. But my brothers and I are going to rip hell apart to find out who and why and make the bastard wish he was never born.” Seth cupped her face, firming his hold when she would have pulled away. She silently cursed her traitorous body as pleasure streamed through her at his show of dominance. “Harper.” Seth lowered his head, making sure to get eye contact. “I promise you, sweetheart, I’d never purposely hurt you, especially in such a gutless way. I’m not that guy.”

  And he wasn’t. She knew that. Had known that truth deep down, but had let the shock and humiliation overrule her judgment.

  Which was totally understandable, considering it wasn’t every day such an elaborate—What would she call this mess? A sick prank, an attack?—played out with her as an unwilling participant.

  However, this situation was too rough and real after just one night together. “I believe you.” Harper bit her lip as Seth sighed in relief. “But I think it’s best I give you some space to sort things out, especially with my dad.”

  All trace of relief vanished from Seth’s face, replaced by a deep frown as he dropped his hand. “Now that I know there’s a threat, Dillon and I are issuing a statement stating the posts are fraudulent. That automatically decreases the imposter’s impact and makes any future posts negligible. I’m meeting with your father in an hour and we’ll sort out his concerns.”

  No doubt her dad would manipulate circumstances to his advantage. “You’ve spoken to him this morning?”

  Seth drew in a breath and released it before speaking. “Yeah.”

  Dillon tossed his phone on Seth’s desk, and for the first time, she noticed the way his tie was askew, as if he’d wrenched it loose from his shirt collar. “He’s playing hardball, citing a clause in the Letter of Intent signed yesterday that the deal depended on no adverse events between then and the sale.” Hands on his hips, he said, “Now he wants to renegotiate.”

  That didn’t sound good. “Did he mention the post about me?” God, but she hated that thread of need in her voice.

  Seth’s gaze gentled, and her gut twisted. He knew his answer mattered, but he wouldn’t lie. “Not at the time.”

  Of course not. She’d been a fool to expect anything else. Any anger Stanton Fox felt over her public embarrassment would be directed toward Harper. Just another way she’d disappointed him.

  “Bastard.” Jinx’s soft muttering was no surprise, considering how much she loathed Harper’s dad. And truthfully, Jinx acknowledging his failure to defend his daughter felt like a big warm hug coated in Harper’s favorite salted caramel fudge.

  “Since you have a deal to save, that’s where you should focus. I’ll just” Run? Wait a couple of weeks? “give you that space I mentioned.” Keeping the outcome vague seemed the best answer.

  Seth once again cupped her face, obviously not a big fan of allowing space in any form. “Harper, until we know what the imposter’s ultimate goal is or if this morning was the fucker’s only play, no possible scenario is discounted. One fact for sure is an unknown enemy took a picture of your café and made a post attacking you.”

  “You don’t have to remind me, Seth,” she snapped, making a move to step back, but was again halted as he firmed his grip.

  “Sweetness, you don’t get it.” Seth swept his thumb over her cheek before dropping his hand. She barely managed to hold back a whimper at the loss of his touch. “The minute he targeted you, that brought you my protection.”

  Harper felt her mouth drop. He couldn’t be serious. Yet his clear, piercing gaze shone with determination.

  “Oh, wow.” Jinx whispered from behind.

  No kidding. Thankfully, Harper kept those words to herself and, instead, concentrated on their implications. She shook her head. “Seth, what does that even mean? And anyway, you should concentrate on finding out who is responsible and kicking his ass.”

  “I’ll be doing that at the same time you’ll be under my protection. And by my protection I mean you by my side, having dinner with me.” He moved his hand to the back of her neck again and squeezed, as if reinforcing his next words. “And however else we decide to spend our time.”

  Her face heated, enough that Seth’s mouth curved up. “Well, what if I say no? In fact,” she pushed back her shoulders. “I hereby absolve you of any responsibility of protecting me. Just do”—she waved her hand in the air—“whatever it is you have to do to fix things with my dad and for Heath.”

  Heath made a choking sound and looked down at his boots.

  Seth laughed outright as he released his grip
. “Babe, it’s a done deal. I’ve made myself responsible for your safety while this mess plays out.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “But, you can’t!” Okay, that sounded desperate even to her ears.

  Seth’s eyes gleamed. “Oh, luv, I can.”

  Jinx put a hand on her hip, firing attitude like bullets shot from a machine gun. “Hey, buddy, you may have that whole Aussie accent thing going on, which I’ll admit is pretty hot, but it’s Harper’s choice whether she spends time with you.”

  “Appreciate where you’re coming from—” Seth paused and lifted his brow in question.

  “Jinx Malone, Harper’s BFF.” The blonde stylist used the internationally recognized acronym that signified lifelong commitment through boyfriends, marriages, hairstyle disasters and fashion faux pas.

  “Right.” Seth nodded. “Jinx, this isn’t about me being an obnoxious dickhead.”

  Jinx sighed. “I get you think that, but—”

  “Little bro’s making a statement. Keeping her safe.” Both Harper and Jinx turned to stare at biker dude, whose arms remained crossed over his chest, giving another view of the tats on one forearm. “It’s what a man does when someone attacks what’s his.”

  Harper flung her arms out at her sides. “I’m not his.”

  Biker dude’s gaze focused tight on her. “The bastard who did this thinks different.”

  “Zach, let’s not scare the shit out of her just yet.” Heath moved next to the biker, or what passed for a biker in Harper’s mind, which she’d admit, was based on limited—as in zero—experience with bikers. And he was Zach. The second of the Aussie brothers. “Harper, save yourself some angst. Seth’s a stubborn bastard, it’s a shared trait between us all.”


  She faced Seth. “Fine. Knock yourself out. But whatever protection you’re planning will be from a distance. I’m going to ignore you. There’ll be no dates, no dinners or anything else.” She leaned forward, bringing her face inches from Seth. “Especially no chocolate cake.”

  “That’s okay, luv. We can have as much fun with a muffin.” Seth winked.


  She clenched her hands into fists, and growled.

  “She’s done, brother. Let her run.” A hard, gravel-rough voice, again with an Aussie accent, said from behind. “You have bigger shit needing your attention.”

  Harper’s first instinct was to glance at Seth. At his stiff posture and hardening jaw, she turned toward the doorway to see a new man had joined in the fray.

  If the other guys were big, then this dude was a giant.

  The stranger stood at least six foot five, maybe taller and possessed a rough-hewn face that looked carved from some ancient rock. With short cropped hair matching his dark brown shirt, his wide shoulders blocked out the light filled area behind him. Black cargo pants were tucked into combat boots, giving him an air of danger that suited a mercenary.

  An intimidating sight for sure. But it was the cold efficiency of his gray gaze, and the way it pierced deep into Harper, as if disseminating her every thought and deciding how best to use each one against her, that held her silent.

  “Adam.” Seth’s voice was tight with an undercurrent of tension.

  Adam? The oldest Aussie. The one who’d adopted Seth into their gang years before.

  And yet, this seemed far from a happy reunion.

  Judging by the way Dillon and Heath held themselves at the ready, they shared Seth’s opinion. Only Zach, who uncrossed his arms and leaned back on one leg leaving the other slightly bent, seemed at ease.

  She glanced over at Jinx, who made big eyes back. Yeah, time for them to leave.

  “We’ll go and allow you to, um” Chat? Draw blood in a knife fight? “catch up.”

  Seth caught her arm in a firm hold. He bent and kissed her forehead. “I’ll see you later.” He held her with an intense stare, as if willing her to agree with his plans.

  “Right.” She wanted to argue the point, but frankly, getting out of there was a higher priority.

  She pulled her arm free from Seth, grabbed Jinx’s hand, and walked to the door.

  Unfortunately, the giant still blocked their exit.

  “Adam.” Seth’s voice was knife sharp.

  Dillon stepped close to Harper. “Move, Adam.”

  Adam studied her for a moment. When he spoke, his voice came over soft, but the chilling tone erased all ideas of gentleness. “An attack on my brother is an attack on all of us.”

  Harper held her breath, as the shockwaves from his warning—that’s what it was, not reassurance that she was gaining extra protection—crashed through her body.

  “Jesus fuck.” Seth surged forward, only to be grabbed around the shoulders by Heath.

  Adam stepped aside, and Harper dashed through the door toward the reception area, dragging Jinx behind her. She didn’t waste a second looking back as shouts rang out from Seth’s office.

  In answer to her silent prayer, the elevator doors opened as soon as she pushed the button. Slumping back against the metal cubicle’s walls, she breathed deep.

  “What the hell happened there?” Jinx shook her head slowly.

  “God knows, but I’ve got a feeling Seth will be too busy with his not-so-joyous family reunion to have time for me.”

  And why did those words leave her bereft? Wasn’t that what she wanted? Space and no hassle?

  With a huff, she rolled her eyes. Her life was chaotic enough with the usual bedlam that attracted itself to her like a magnet to a fridge door. No point looking for extra complications.

  But even as she made her silent declaration, her mind filled with the memory of Seth, and the sure firmness of his grip as he cupped her face.

  Dammit. Some complications weren’t so easily dismissed.


  “Jesus, Adam, what the fuck’s wrong with you?” Seth wrenched himself free from Heath’s hold on his upper body. He rolled his shoulders, but the tension locked his muscles tight, his body ready to strike at the slightest provocation. “You threatened Harper. What the hell were you thinking?

  Adam stood in the doorway, arms hanging by his sides, and legs braced a couple of feet apart.

  Fight ready.

  “Unlike you, I’ve been thinking a range of things since Zach rang me half an hour ago and updated me on this clusterfuck we’re in.” Adam reached behind him, grabbed the edge of the office door and slammed it shut hard enough the frame shuddered.

  Seth checked Zach who, as usual, stayed quiet unless he was forced to speak. He swung his attention back to Adam. “You were in the area?”

  “Oh, no, little brother, I was on my way for a whole different matter, and we’ll get to that, but let’s concentrate on one fuck-up at a time.”

  “What are you—” Dillon started, but Adam cut him off and kept his gaze on Seth.

  “Yesterday you signed a deal with Stanton Fox to sell your company for a shitload of money. You meet his daughter straight after. That night you’re in her bed.”

  “And?” Seth prompted.

  Adam crossed his arms over his chest. “The next morning some mysterious arsewipe steals your identity and posts shit that jeopardizes the sale you’ve hung your bloody dreams on for the last twelve months.”

  Seth clenched his jaw. Was that a dig for putting everything second to him achieving his goal? Sure fucking sounded like one.

  Adam jerked his chin toward the papers and phones lying on Seth’s desk. “Now Fox is being a prick, and I’m guessing you’re scrambling to get him to stay at fifty mil for the sale.” He nodded as Dillon’s angry sigh confirmed his guess. “Damn convenient.”

  Heath resumed his original position, sitting on the edge of Seth’s desk. “He’s got a point, Seth.”

  Seth twisted to face Heath. “You think Harper’s some kind of honey trap orchestrated by Stanton Fox. That the CEO of Brooke-Porter Digital would pimp out his daughter to try and save a few million in a business deal?”

  “I t
hink we’d be foolish not to look at every angle.” Heath kept his voice even, like a cop working the beat and Seth was an irrational drunk needing to be ‘handled’. “Dillon, how much has Fox cut from the original asking price?”

  “A third. Down to thirty-five mil.” Dillon lifted his arm out to his side, palm up. “Who knows where we’ll end up. The wording in their offer states they can lower the price if unforeseen adverse events between now and finalization can be proven to detract from our company’s overall value. In the end, we don’t have to accept their offer, but it is still higher than any other we’ve received.”

  “And the big winner here is Fox.” Adam flat tone matched his blank expression.

  Fair enough, Seth understood Adam’s logic, but a hypothesis didn’t equal proof. “Even if Fox has some part to play, that doesn’t mean Harper had anything to do with his plan.”

  “It’s comforting to see you have more faith in her innocence than she initially had in yours,” Heath scoffed.

  “The post mentioned the cake, something only I’d know unless I had been watched.” The faint sting of Harper’s earlier distrust lingered. Pissed him off royally, but there was no point dwelling on the small stuff when he had bigger issues to fight. “And the context of the post ridiculed her in a public way. Of course she’d be upset.”

  “I’d suffer humiliation on social media for a payout.” Zach straightened. “Hell, I’d cry tears if the cash was high enough.”

  Seth didn’t know what was more ridiculous—the idea of his gruff, tough brother faking tears or Harper supposedly luring him into a trap. “Christ, Zach, you saw her reaction.”

  “Yeah, but for now, we don’t know if she was legit or playing you.” Zach shrugged. “I’m not saying she’s guilty, but I am reminding you to keep an open mind until shit’s sorted.”